This Food Trends & Tech website provides helpful, impartial, and thought-provoking information…with no strings attached. There are no fees and no tracking. Search through the trends and statistics articles on consumers, food and beverage products, and ingredient technologies. Insightful, food-science-based information will spark innovation.
Much of the initial content for Food Trends & Tech’s website was moved from Global Food Forums, Inc., a conference and media company once owned by Claudia Dziuk O’Donnell and Peter Havens. Article transfers will continue, and new content will be added!

Food Science & Technology
These fields hold the key to more healthful, economical, sustainable and enjoyable foods for the world’s growing population.
Consumer & Food Trends
Consumer packaged foods—whether developed for the retail or foodservice market—must satisfy consumers. We delve into trends in these areas.
Food Ingredients
Insights into innovative and sustainable new products will depend on new ingredients, whether still in research or entering commercial availability.
NEW POST: “Why does food cost that much?” is a popular question. Factors like supply and demand, regulations, pricing and vendor policies, weather, the political environment, such as war, and more determine costs. This website links to articles from around the world that are snapshots in time. They reflect temporary market conditions but provide insights into specific food prices.