This “About FTNT” page provides insights and information into the origin of FoodTrendsNTech.com (FTNT), its navigation, its founder Claudia Dziuk O’Donnell, and how to contact us.
Why this Website
This Food Trends & Tech website serves several purposes. It is republishing some content initially posted to the website of the media and conference company Global Food Forums, Inc. We believe the information continues to be of interest. The posting of this material is an ongoing project. In the future, posts on curious industry news, technical tips and tactics (both in food science and information technology), and topics of interest will also be added. Content will revolve around the use of food ingredients in foods and beverages, technologies, and trends impacting the food industry.
How to Search this Website
As articles, blogs and other content increases on this website, we will strive to make locating information of interest as easy as possible. The following tools are available.
Search Field: When searching for words or phrases, use the search field found in the upper right-hand corner of most pages. This search function does not mimic Google. The software will return results from the titles and body of posts and pages, media titles, alternative text names for images, file names, and single image captions. It will not return results from widgets, comments, categories, gallery captions or other text, or tags.
Categories: Each post is assigned to only one category. This is useful for broad searches, but often an article could fit equally well in several categories and thus the search field will be of additional use.
Keywords/Tags: At the bottom of most pages, a list of relevant keywords for that page are listed. When clicked on, these bring up a list of other pages that also use that keyword.
About the Founder / Administrator
Claudia Dziuk O’Donnell, MSc, MBA, is the curator of the website FoodTrendsNTech.com. Her previous experiences include being a Co-founder of Global Food Forums. This B-to-B media company hosted in-person conferences, webinars and published magazines based on those events. It focused on food protein ingredients, clean label ingredients, formulations, ingredients that impact the perception of sweetener ingredients, and finished consumer foods, beverages, and dietary supplements in food formats that utilized those components.
Her background includes full-time positions in bench- to upper-level management R&D and QC at food manufacturing companies and 30 years in media covering consumer and emerging food technology trends. (For a sampling of her articles, including her most recent ones, see https://foodtrendsntech.com/articles-by-claudia-odonnell/.) Past positions include chief editor at Prepared Foods magazine and technical editor at Dairy Foods magazine; Director QC at Orval Kent Foods (now part of Reser’s Fine Foods); R&D/QC director for Alex Foods (which became Don Miguel Foods/MegaMex, a JV between Hormel Foods and Herdez Del Fuerte); and bench-level R&D food technologist at International Multifoods (she primarily worked on what is now the Oberto Snacks line).
She has consulted in market research, corporate acquisitions, consumer products, food manufacturing operations, and food ingredient technology trends. She currently is a contributing editor for Food Processing magazine.
Claudia has an MSc in Food Science & Nutrition (University of Minnesota), an MBA with a focus on marketing (Northern Illinois University), and a BA in Biology with an emphasis on art (St. Olaf College). Her interests include learning Spanish, traveling, web development, fine arts, gardening, and the environment.
How to Contact Us:

To contact Claudia, please connect through LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/claudiaodonnell/. She will work to respond as time permits. She is happy to receive suggestions and most questions, although she generally cannot function as a complementary source for research projects.