Why Does Food Cost That?

Why Does Food Cost That?

“Why does food cost that much?” is a much-asked question. Many factors, including supply and demand, regulations, pricing policies, vendor policies, weather, the political environment, such as war, and more, determine food prices. This website links to...
Global Food Forums Domains Are for Sale

Global Food Forums Domains Are for Sale

HomeAbout FTNT Archives Blogs Search for: Global Food Forums, Inc. ceased operations on December 31, 2023. Thank you to the speakers, food ingredient suppliers, and consumer food and beverage manufacturers for making the company’s d0zen-year run financially...
Tick Bites Lead to Red Meat Allergy

Tick Bites Lead to Red Meat Allergy

The article below, “Tick Bites Lead to Red Meat Allergy,” was first published on GlobalFoodForums.com in 2017 and updated in 2021. I thought this disease was becoming relatively well-known. However, an article published in November 2023 in the magazine...
Articles by Claudia ODonnell

Articles by Claudia ODonnell

Claudia Dziuk O’Donnell, MSc, MBA, has authored over 300 articles on food technology, food product development, and consumer trends in trade publications and journals, both print and online. Claudia also wrote Spanish articles in English, which were translated...