Why Does Food Cost That?
"Why does food cost that much?" is a much-asked question. Many factors, including supply and demand, regulations, pricing policies, vendor policies, weather, the political environment, such as war, and more, determine food prices. This website links to articles from...
Global Food Forums Domains Are for Sale
Global Food Forums, Inc. ceased operations on December 31, 2023. Thank you to the speakers, food ingredient suppliers, and consumer food and beverage manufacturers for making the company's d0zen-year run financially successful and fun! Food Trends & Tech currently...
Innovation Through Food Pairings
Food innovation can be the critical component for successful new products. Food pairing is a new idea based on the concept that the more aromatic compounds two foods have in common, the better they'll taste together. Thus, innovation through food pairings presents an...
Etiquetado Limpio con Saborizantes
El primer paso en un etiquetado limpio con saborizantes es entender la regulación. Una larga lista de compuestos que pueden denominarse "sabor natural" se proporciona en el Título 21 del Código de Regulaciones Federales (CFR), 101.22. Se incluyen el "aceite esencial,...
Tick Bites Lead to Red Meat Allergy
The article below, "Tick Bites Lead to Red Meat Allergy," was first published on GlobalFoodForums.com in 2017 and updated in 2021. I thought this disease was becoming relatively well-known. However, an article published in November 2023 in the magazine "for Women...
Global Food Forums Magazines
From 2013 to 2023, Global Food Forums hosted 26 in-person conferences and three editorial webinars. Key points of presentations given during these events were summarized and published in post-conference magazines. We are pleased to offer complimentary copies of these...
Upcycling Ingredients & Food Products
Upcycling ingredients and food products to make them valued human foods helps reduce food waste.
Clean Label Trends & Consumer Purchase Behavior
Today’s consumers are more knowledgeable and interested in understanding the content of the products they purchase and the brands they support, noted Kasey Farrell, Senior Manager, R&D, Product Intelligence SPINS. In opening her talk, “Clean Label Trends &...
Impact of Low-Calorie Sweeteners
The impact that low-calorie sweeteners (LCS) have on human physiology has been much debated. A recent review by the 2020 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee concluded that low-calorie sweeteners might be an effective approach to managing body weight. However, the...